Greetings all!  


We hope this finds you and your family well.  Our office would like to express a special thanks to those who have called to check on our well-being, dropped off PPE and gifts, helped us experiment with telemedicine technology, helped locate supplies, and even sewn us masks! 


We are doing our best to balance patients’ health needs and everyone’s safety.  We have had many patients get COVID and have seen firsthand the severe disease it can cause and the damage that long COVID can do. 


As physicians, our job is to do our very best to keep everyone – our patients and their families, our elderly nursing home patients, ourselves and our families (including a 107-year-old grandmother—as safe as possible.  Keeping people safe is a responsibility that we take very seriously.  Both our physical office layout and our patient flow have been redesigned with that goal in mind.


COVID has changed our office and our world.  We are all being asked to adapt to a new way of life.  It is not easy for you nor for those of us in healthcare. 


We appreciate everyone’s patience.  Thank you for your continued support of our office and for helping keep everyone safe.


Jaya Virmani, MD       Soa Tsung, MD



How we are keeping you safe


Types of appointments during COVID


Preparing for in-person office visit


Preparing for an injection appointment


COVID Testing


COVID Vaccines




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